Case Study: P. M. Holdings Ransomware Attack and Potential Savings with AMEOT Sentry

Case Study: P. M. Holdings Ransomware Attack and Potential Savings with AMEOT Sentry

Disclaimer: The following case study, while based on actual events, is written for educational purposes only. The potential savings are based on industry average cost estimates (sources cited).

 The Incident

In August 2023, P. M. Holdings (PMH), which operated 16 hospitals and 165 clinics across several states, experienced a severe ransomware attack. This attack, carried out by the Rhysida ransomware group, resulted in the theft of 1TB of corporate documents and a 1.3TB SQL database containing sensitive information, including social security numbers, passports, driver’s licenses, patient medical records, and financial and legal documents. The attackers demanded a ransom of 50BTC (approximately $1.3 million at the time).

The attack forced PMH to shut down its IT systems, leading to significant operational disruptions across all 16 hospitals and 165 clinics. The recovery process was prolonged, with full restoration expected to take several weeks, affecting the hospitals' ability to provide care and leading to substantial financial losses.

 Financial Impact

The financial impact of the ransomware attack on PMH was enormous. Industry data provides some insights into these costs:

  1. Average Cost of a Ransomware Attack: The average cost of a ransomware attack is $4.62 million, encompassing ransom payments, recovery costs, lost revenue, and reputational damage.
  2. Cost of Downtime: The average cost of downtime caused by ransomware is $274,200 per incident per location. With PMH's 16 hospitals affected, and estimating the downtime lasted for 21 days:

   - $274,200 per day × 21 days = $5,758,200 per location.

   - For 16 locations: $5,758,200 × 16 = $92,131,200.

  1. Total Estimated Cost: Including the ransom demand, the total estimated cost PMH faced is:

   - Ransom Demand: $1,300,000.

   - Downtime Costs: $92,131,200.

   - Additional Recovery and Operational Costs: Assuming an additional $1 million per location for recovery efforts, legal fees, and other operational costs: $1,000,000 × 16 = $16,000,000.

   Total Estimated Financial Impact: $1,300,000 (ransom) + $92,131,200 (downtime) + $16,000,000 (additional costs) = $109,431,200.

 Potential Savings with AMEOT Sentry

If P. M. Holdings had implemented AMEOT Sentry’s advanced cybersecurity solutions, the attack could have been prevented, resulting in significant cost savings. Here’s how AMEOT Sentry could have mitigated the damage:

  1. Proactive Prevention: AMEOT Sentry’s technology focuses on preventing unauthorized access and isolating threats before they can cause damage, effectively stopping ransomware before it executes.
  2. Zero Reported Losses: AMEOT Sentry has been installed on over 85 million devices with zero reported losses to ransomware, showcasing its effectiveness in real-world scenarios.
  3. Cost Savings:

   - Avoiding the $1.3 million ransom payment.

   - Preventing the $92,131,200 in downtime costs.

   - Eliminating additional recovery costs of $16 million.

   Total Potential Savings: $109,431,200.


The ransomware attack on P. M. Holdings highlights the critical need for robust and proactive cybersecurity measures. With AMEOT Sentry, organizations can avoid the catastrophic financial impacts of such attacks, ensuring continuous operations and safeguarding sensitive data. Investing in AMEOT Sentry is not just a protective measure but a strategic financial decision that can save millions in the long run.


For more details on how AMEOT Sentry can protect your organization and to explore tailored cybersecurity solutions, book a 30-minute call with us here.



- IBM. (2022). Cost of a Data Breach Report. [Link](

- Coveware. (2022). Q1 Ransomware Report. [Link](

- [Cyberscoop article](

- [SC Media article](

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