Proactive 101: Why Prevention is Better Than Cure in Cybersecurity

Proactive 101: Why Prevention is Better Than Cure in Cybersecurity

In the realm of cybersecurity, there’s a common misconception that stopping an attack when it happens is proactive security. But in reality, proactive security means preventing the attack from occurring in the first place. Think of it this way: wearing a seatbelt is proactive because you put it on before you start driving to prevent injury. An airbag, on the other hand, is reactive; it deploys only after a crash has occurred. Similarly, true proactive security involves measures taken to prevent cyber threats before they can cause damage.

Why Listen to AMEOT?

You might be wondering why you should trust AMEOT. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably not heard of us before. AMEOT protects enterprises and governments from breaches and ransomware through education, proactive security methods, and fast response tools and personnel. We know how to minimize your attack surface, understand that people are your weakest link, and recognize that many of your trusted programs were not created with security in mind.

You might hesitate because we don’t have thousands of employees yet, we don’t spend millions on advertising, and we don’t employ retired CIA agents or former law enforcement. But these factors don’t stop breaches or ransomware. Companies spend money on these things to meet your expectations and make a sale with subpar offerings. We focus on being proactive and we always have. Now, we are coming out of stealth because we know our solutions work.

What we will do for you won’t be flashy, but it will be effective. Our approach might sound boring and low energy, and it should. Proactive security focuses on policy and planning. When you book a 30-minute call with AMEOT, we won’t overwhelm you with military jargon or celebrity endorsements. Instead, we will talk about the things you already do that undermine your breach and ransomware strategy. We’ll teach you how to structure your workflows to be both effective and safe.

The Importance of Proactive Security

Proactive security measures are essential in today's threat landscape. According to a report by IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million . This figure represents not just the immediate costs of containment and remediation, but also long-term expenses such as regulatory fines, loss of customer trust, and reputational damage.

Take the example of Maersk, the global shipping giant. In 2017, Maersk was hit by the NotPetya ransomware attack, which disrupted their operations for weeks and cost the company an estimated $300 million in damages . If Maersk had implemented proactive security measures such as isolating unknown programs and MFA,in addition to regular patch management and network segmentation, the attack could have been prevented or significantly mitigated.

Real-World Statistics and Examples

Financial Impact of Ransomware

The financial impact of ransomware attacks is staggering. According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, the global cost of ransomware is predicted to reach $265 billion by 2031 . This represents a significant increase from the $20 billion estimated for 2021. The rapid growth of ransomware highlights the urgent need for organizations to adopt proactive security measures.

Frequency of Attacks

Ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent. In 2020, there were 304 million ransomware attacks globally, a 62% increase from 2019 . This trend continued into 2021, with attacks becoming more sophisticated and targeted. The healthcare sector, for instance, saw a 123% increase in ransomware attacks in 2020, highlighting the vulnerability of critical infrastructure .

The Role of AI in Proactive Security

At AMEOT, we leverage AI for automation and analysis, focusing on its predictive capabilities. Everything runs in cycles, and AI helps us spot patterns and predict where threats might emerge next. This allows us to proactively secure your environment, reducing the risk of breaches and ransomware attacks. AI is not an electronic crystal ball, but it provides a myriad of options to get ahead of potential disasters.

Call to Action

Ready to learn more about proactive security? Visit AMEOT for more information and to explore our "Proactive 101" series.

Want to discuss how we can help your organization? Book a 30-minute call with AMEOT and let’s start building a solid breach and ransomware strategy together.

Thank you for your time and attention. By adopting proactive security measures, you can potentially save your organization from significant financial losses and operational disruptions. Let’s work together to secure your future.

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